Hello DR. Death:
R4 and D2 make up the Bias voltage and current that is feed to the
base's of RF Amplifier Transistors Q3 and Q4.
The resistance value of R4 will be a dead nuts on requirement. But may
not really need to be a exact value, within a certain range. R4
resistance value was probably called out 47 Ohms as this will work.
I would use 4 each, 2 watt resistors wired in a parallel/series way to
make a 8 watt resistor, as a 6 watt resistor is needed.
My simple diagram shows 4 each, 47 ohm resistor wired in a series
parallel method. This allows the resistor to have the same value as a
single resistor but 4 times the power rating.
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Jay in the Mojave
DR. Death wrote:
I received the board today along with the Motorola engineering bulletin and
a list of construction hints and ran across my first problem. The bulletin
lists R4 as 33 ohms. The construction hints lists it as 82 ohms. The web
site resistor package lists it as 47 ohms. Hopefully they can clear this up
for me. I'll post the results when I get a reply.