Thread: old call signs
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Old October 22nd 04, 06:42 PM
Kevin Muenzler, WB5RUE
Posts: n/a

I don't think they published CB callsigns but you can get old CB license
information from the International Transcription Service (ITS, Inc.). For a
fee, they will research the information you request. I think the fee is
around $45/hour. I had them look up some old license information for me, it
took about 15 minutes.

FCC, Room 246,
1919 M Street, N.W
Gettysburg, PA

2100 M Street, N.W. Suite 140,
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 857-3800.

Kevin, WB5RUE
Life will humble you if you let it.
If you don't life will humble you anyway and beat you up in the process.

"R8500" wrote in message
Subject: old call signs
From: (Stephen)
Date: 10/19/2004 2:20 PM Mountain Standard Time

I began CB radio as a teen, way back in the mid 60's. Can anyone tell
me if there's a data base to look up old CB call signs? Thanks!

Not that I'm aware of--but you might try looking on eBay for some of the

call books published by International Crystal Manufacturing back in the

'60's. I've picked up quite a few of the old CB call books for just a

buck or
two--seems that no one is interested in them nowadays except those

for the early days of 11 meters.
