"Cry_Keyclowns_Cry" wrote in message
"Peter" wrote
"harvey" wrote in message
ok after a few monhts of reading here and some digging, my assumptions
The theory is that Keyclowns are illegal CBers, and Antikeyclowns
those who oppose illegal CB. However, that is all just a cover for
the truth. Some people are just hell bent against CB and those
who use it - as demonstrated by their inability to post CB related
messages, and their use of the term "keyclown" being aimed at anyone
they dislike - without any proof of any kind that they use any
illegal CB of any kind.
The homosexual hate messages are just the physical manifestation
of the mental problems within the minds of those who hate some
people so much that they will chase them around trying to anoy them.
Keyclown hypocrisy at it's finest. Ask Peter Analbuster about his
rec.radio.cb "humour" page. He and homosexual stalker mopeydopey are birds
of a feather. When they don't get their way, they start crying about what
shame it is the NG is cluttered up with their own smelly turds.
The fact remains, keyclowns DO operate illegally and get called on it by
the anti boys. Illegal CB amp auctions DO get busted because they ARE
against the law and against ebay policy. Keyclowns DO act effeminately and
WILL be called gay, and rightly so.
AKC still runs the NG, Keyclowns are still off topic, mopeydopey is still
a whining sissy. The more things change the more they stay the same.
You can never stop the AKC and you can never stop N8.
You posted his personal info...HE LAUGHED!
You made obscene web pages about him...HE LAUGHED!
You whined to ISP's about him...HE LAUGHED!
You threatened violence against him...HE LAUGHED!
You call him names...HE LAUGHED!
You call him everything in the book...HE LAUGHED!
You keep trying......HE KEEPS LAUGHING!
You keep failing.........HE KEEPS LAUGHING!
You are outta your league with N8wwm.......HE KEEPS LAUGHING!
He has sworn to never stop because of what you guys have done, he is
laughing at you keyclowns.......HE KEEPS LAUGHING!
He won't ever stop, you won't ever win......HE KEEPS LAUGHING!
And he speaks in the 3rd person about himself. Delusional? You be the judge.