Frank Gilliland wrote in message . ..
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 23:36:45 -0700, Frank Gilliland
wrote in
What scares me is that the President, after a declaration of national
emergency from FEMA (the organization drafted and created by Oliver
North,, has the authority to suspend the election. And I think
Bush might just have the balls to pull a stunt like that. Maybe the
CIA (formerly headed by -- guess who -- yep, daddy Bush!) will cough
up some "intelligence" that says terrorists with WMDs are in the US
and ready to strike.....
How about that -- I predicted something like this just one day before
it happened. And notice that the tape was released to the US before it
was aired. When was the last time -that- happened? And the CIA
declared the tape authentic within hours of its release. Again, when
was the last time -that- happened?
I think the video was a fake, just like the Berg video. I think they
got UBL a long time ago, probably just before Bush's press conference
where he says that he's not worried about UBL -- that was a slip of
the tongue. And now they fabricate this tape full of threats in order
to raise Bush's fear-based campaign to a fevered climax. Wag the dog.
I expect the terror alert level will be raised just before the
election. I'm also expecting something like a "terrorist cell" bust,
with claims (and probably some 'evidence') that it was ready to
execute a large-scale attack. Or something along those lines.
Only time will tell if I'm right or just paranoid.
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A long while back UBL wrote an open letter to the American people. It
said in summary that we had to renounce Israel and help destroy that
country and that we must convert to Islam and submit to Koranic
justice, or he would see us all dead. What part of "see us all dead"
is too complicated for liberals to understand?
Paranoia? Hardly.
"I hate Bush" bullcrap thinly disguised as ignorance? Looks like it to