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Old November 3rd 04, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Peter)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
resulting in possible serious injury and/or death, none which can be
attained via what another may deem offensive or illegal speech.
Hi Twisty.

Yo' Brain!

The problem with some people is that, in spite

of having two eyes, two ears - but just one

mouth - they still use their yapper more than

their ears, eyes, and brains put together. Don't
get me wrong, I'm not saying they don't have a
brain or that it doesn't work... but it doesn't

matter how good the engine is or much you

rev it if you have left the gearbox in neutral.

I NEVER said I agree with any of those

opinions, just that they exist among some

people - different people have different

outlooks on life. It must therefor fair to say that
arguing with me that those opinions are not

valid is about as much use as farting into a

wind tunnel.

Not sure what post you are replying to, but my reply was regarding the
analogy of driving a car. I certainly was never attempting to convey
that you agreed or disgreed with any of the above.

If they want to argue that those opinions do

not exist, that everyone believes in the same

notion of right and wrong, then that's

different... then either everyone on the group

is a Keyclown or there are no Keyclowns.

Either way, they can retire from the group in

the safe knowledge that we all agree.

You know, Twisty, my Son has recently hit

*that* age. You know the age, where they

suddeny find any taboo subject to be either

cool or downright funny.

At that age, swearing is great fun and anyone

they don't like has to be "gay". If someone who
is accused of being gay touches something,

that object becomes "full of gayness". Touch

it, and you will become gay. At that age, they

have the ultimate get out clause for any

situation that they wish to avoid...

I remember those days. Went through them a few times.

=A0=A0=A0"Could you go to the shop for me, Son?"

=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0"Going to the shop is gay!!"

=A0=A0=A0=A0"Time to go to school, Son"

=A0=A0=A0"School is gay!!"

=A0=A0=A0"You can go out to play when you have done
your homework" =A0 "Homework is gay"

Yea,,,what I experienced was pretty muh the same thing. I've heard the
"gay" term from the boys and "pathetic" from the girls, but as far as
overuse went, the girls won hands down. While the boys may say "That
player is really gay on their team",,,the girls would say "Like, that
gay player, on that, like, gay team, is like, really gay."

Unfortunately, some people clearly never get

beyond that stage - they are destined live their
lives with the mentality of a child.


Agreed. It's the Sluggo Syndrome. Maturation ceases prematurely for
whatever reason.

=A0=A0"It's getting late, Dad, time for you to get back
to the retirement home" =A0 "The retirement

home is gay!!"



Had a dream about dxing across the big pond last night....must be time
to dust off the equipment after hardly being touched all summer. I have
a few things to do, but I'm hoping to be in tip-top radio shape by
Christmas. Freakin' hurricane Jean put some water where I didn't want it
and I got to replacing and shoring up some things and you know how that
goes..ended up redoing just about everything.