"I Am Not George" wrote in message
. ..
"Dr.X" wrote
"DR. Death" wrote in message
I can count on 1 hand the number of hams that have not slammed me
being a C.B.er.
I won't turn my back on a hobby I love and join the ranks of those
feel they were gifted by God with their ham ticket.
did they slam you before or after you told them you operated out of
band and would never give that up
Is it my news reader or is it that you don't know how to participate in a
news group discussion? It seems that your replies end up in odd places. The
thread is thata-way ---
Anywayz, I find that most hams that look down on CB'rs don't wait to find
out what set of frequencies the CBr prefers. I was told I was CB trash back
when I first keyed a radio at the age of 12. The ham never even knew me. He
just happend to be next door wroking (10m I'll guess) when my freind and I
hung a 1/4 wave whip out my 2nd floor window, switched to channel 14 said
He was a dick back then, if he's still alive he's probably a dick today, and
if he's a troll, he's probably trolling this group being a dick right now.
Who knows, maybe if it weren't for so many dicks like him, there'd be more
licensed hams.