"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 17:20:36 -0600, "DR. Death"
wrote in
Your statement was in opposition to the OP who suggested that the sale
of illegal equipment should be curbed. To me that sounds like you are
defending the sale of those items.
Your opinion, but NOT what I said.
So you -weren't- defending the sale of illegal equipment?
No, I don't care if illegal equipment is sold or not. My original post was
to point out that amps don't cause people to act as fools on CB, fools are
fools regardless of the equipment. I don't own an export radio and could
care less about them. I prefer my old Cobra 148 to any export on the market
I don't know if where you live is anything like the Rockies or the
Cascades, but you don't have to walk far to find a spot that will
even with a handheld cellphone. In the deep woods, CB seems to be
reliable than cellphones anyway -- you can usually raise a logging
camp or ranger post no matter where you are. But if you plan to go
into such remote places where normal services don't work, it's your
responsibility to anticipate an emergency and provide for legal
In a perfect world, yes. But I guess you carry every part that fits
vehicle when you leave the house.
....huh? The law isn't perfect and neither are people. But that's not
a valid excuse to violate the law. Yet you go one step further and
justify the expense and effort of illegal operation as a forethought
towards an emergency situation. Well, if emergency communications is
important enough to demand that much thought and effort,
What thought and effort or expense? Thought? No cell service I'll pick up
the mike. Effort? Look at cell phone then turn knob on and key mike.
Expense? I already own the equipment, some of it is over 15 years old.
putting too much thought and effort into trolling me for an arguement.
Ok, so you have an excuse for every point except one: there are places
that an amped CB won't get out. But I don't suppose you go to those
places, do you?
Never said that, there are places that I can't get out even with an amp. At
this point I walk until I get cell service or thumb a ride.
operation is probably the -worst- choice. As I stated before, there
are other methods that are both better and legal, and not suprisingly
enough they require less effort and expense than illegal operation.
Add to that the practical uselessness of the freeband as an emergency
communications channel -- it's no better than CB in that communication
with emergency services is, at best, a bucket-brigade.
I never stated I used the freeband for emergancy use.
You never said you didn't. Now we know what you did and didn't say.
Glad I could clarify that point.
I use the freeband for
DXing. I use channel 10 to raise the locals for an emergancy. Can you not
read or are you seeing things that are not there. You are clearly
You -did- say that you justify the amp for the possibility of an
emergency. Doesn't matter, the point applies to the legal 40 as well
as the freeband, amp or not -- there is no direct contact with
emergency services. CB requires that someone is actually listening, is
willing to help (and not planning to take advantage of an emergency
situation), and has the means to relay your comm or directly contact
emergency services. You can't deny the fact that it's much easier and
better to directly contact the emergency services yourself.
There is usually someone on channel 10 that I can raise, but it's not always
a given. I prefer to use my cell, if not possible then the CB is my next
choice. Yes it is easier to contact emergency services in some cases, in
other cases it is not. Each situation is differant. It's not a perfect
You can get
direct comm to emergency services using satellite and cell phones, and
even using ham radio via skip or satellite. This saves not only time
(which can be critical in an emergency situation), but also prevents
the miscommunication that usually accompanies "human repeaters" (you
played that 'pass-the-message' game in grade school, didn't you?).
No, it saves time by raising the locals who can make a quick phone call
me. Using your method of ham skip is outright stupid.
You knock skip and ignore the other possibilities. Sat comm is,
without a doubt, the best method of radio communication as far as
coverage is concerned.
I have never explored the possibility of a satt phone before. I know that
owning them is expensive. I was unaware that you could rent one for a
weekend. I will have to check local availability on that one.
Contrary to your delusion, I was a good student. No I did not pass notes.
My reference was to a game that's played by the class: Everyone sits
in a circle and one person is given a message. He passes that message
to the next person by whispering it in his ear. The message is passed
around the circle in the same manner. When it finally gets back to the
original person, the message is usually so distorted that it has
nothing at all to do with the original message (and sometimes it
doesn't make any sense at all!). You never did that? Anyway, that's
the problem with bucket-brigade communication.
I misunderstood that comment. I thought you ment passing notes as in 'Sally
likes you, do you like her".
Now that you pointed this out I see now why this thread has lasted as long
as it has.
On the contrary, it is -you- that is making excuses to run illegally.
If you are in a radio dead-zone then how does your signal get out at
all? It won't.
You stated it was a dead zone, not me. I stated that there was no cell
service. How many times do I need to repeat this before you grasp the
You stated that, where there is no cell-phone coverage, you need an
amp to get out. You also stated that there was too much noise to run
legal power. So my question was where all this noise is coming from.
If it isn't a radio dead-zone then that would explain the QRM. But
what you -haven't- explained is why such a remote location has all
that noise. After all, if there are that many people in the area there
is bound to be cell-phone coverage, too. The only way you can be in a
cell-phone coverage area and not have service is if you are in a radio
dead-zone. And if that's the case, you shouldn't be getting all this
QRM. IOW, you are making excuses using improbable situations.
I meant noise on their end, the people in town. I can hear fine, but when
you have a dozen locals talking and I'm 10 miles out they can not hear me
sometimes on channel 9 or 10 due to noise level or bleed over .
I live in Spokane, WA. I have worked with a couple logging companies
in both the Cascades and Rockies (which is why I mentioned those two
mountain ranges previously). You can bet that there are places where
comm sucks. There are large areas where there is no cell phone
coverage, at least not officially. But at those altitudes, all you
need to do is climb up to a peak with a 3-watt phone and you can
easily hit a cell tower 50 miles away. If you don't believe me, take
note of a recent incident on Mt. Rainier where a climber was rescued
after contacting a hunter 40 miles away with his FRS.
And if you are in a canyon or deep valley, it doesn't matter how much
power you run, there's nothing you can do on radio unless you have VLF
or satellite.
Funny how I can still get out on CB but not a cell. Your "nothing you can
do" theory doesn't wash.
Maybe it would help if you described this "location" a bit better.
Like, what part of the country are you talking about? And why is it so
difficult to hike up the hill to get LOS to a cell tower?
Cell service is spotty around here, they are still adding towers. Hopefully
this won't be a problem in the future. Let me also add that when I bought my
house 8 years ago SBC tried to deny me a private line and wanted to stick me
with a 4 party line with limited calling. At this time I cannot get DSL and
it looks as if it may be a long time before I do.
It's not hard to get a license. It's been done by hundreds of
thousands -- maybe millions -- of people around the world.
I never stated that it was hard.
I never stated you did.
Yes you did. Quote
" It's not hard to get a license. It's been done by hundreds of
thousands -- maybe millions -- of people around the world."
Maybe you should read what you post.
Maybe you should learn to read. I'll repeat myself with a bit more
clarity: I never stated that you claimed getting a license was hard.
I will concede that point as it goes back to your pass the note theory.
In case you hadn't noticed, the ham bands have much more spectrum and
MUCH better DX conditions. Seems to me that ham DX would be much
easier than freebanding.
Even easier to pick up the phone and call, but where is the fun or
in that?
So you freeband for the fun and challenge of it? You think that you
can't be challenged working DX on the ham bands? Or that it can't be
fun? And isn't it -more- of a challenge to work DX on the legal 40?
With legal power? After all, that was your reason for working the
freeband, right? Or is that -too- much of a challenge? Damn, dude, you
flip-flop almost as much as Bush claimed Kerry flip-flopped!
I like to work DX on SSB and have already tackled that point in a previous
Now if you are looking for a -real- challenge, try the LOWFER band.
You can wave the illegal
flag all you want, I will still use the freeband.
That pretty much sums up your argument -- you'll do it because you
want to. No valid reasons, no legal justification, and no regard for
better alternatives. It all boils down to the fact that you want the
benefits without the license. Am I wrong? If I am then at least
provide a -legitimate- reason for violating the law because your other
excuses are bogus.
This wasn't about legal justification, I merely pointed out that you can
responsible about it.
And you are wrong. You can choose to -believe- that you are right but
intentionally breaking the law is still irresponsible. In fact, that's
pretty much the definition of lawbreaking. So unless you can provide a
legal justification for breaking the law, this conversation is over.
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