A few evils of ALL Presidential regimes
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November 15th 04, 04:16 PM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote: Agree,,,except for Carter,,,he
was too much a humanitarian to be president. Too nice a guy and one
can't be president.
Too big of a bleeding heart pussy liberal.
Those are banned now.
It's what I said all along. The Bush regime has always seeked to silent
opposition or views they do not agree. It doesn't matter what group the
rabid right is attacking,,.it's chilling, as those who stand by and say
or do nothing will find no one left to defend or speak on their behalf
when the fascist regime comes after them and they are all that is left.
Interesting is page 88 of the 911 Report that tells us what MUSt be done
to protect the US. Among their findings, is that the mandatory use of
ALL national power is a dire necessito to success...Dilpomacy (Bush
failed), Intelligence (Bush failed), Covert Action (Bush failed..Tora
Bora), Law Enforcement, Economic Policy (Bush failed), Foreign Aid (Bush
failed,,he renigued on many promises of foreign aid to many
countries,,,most recenty, Rwanda) and Homeland Defense (Bush failed,,not
only were we hit with 911, we were hit with anthrax attacks after 911)
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