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Old November 16th 04, 09:51 AM
Psychiatrist to keyclowns
Posts: n/a

"Bill Lowry" wrote in message news:b2dmd.3442$J55.1562@trnddc06...
Has anyone performed the Frequency Mod as outlined on the CBTricks web site.
I performed the mod as shown there but I can twist the Channel knob until I
wear it out and it still only works on the Normal channels. I hate to get
beat when all that has to be done is to add one diode. (g)

Bill .........and go to radio

Illegal to modify CB radios to work out of band. Guess we are gonna
have to send another letter to Yahoo and tell them about the unsavory
content of that group. You keykweenz can slobber all you want about
how information is legal, etc. Who cares? When Yahoo gets the picture
as to what you are doing with the space they give you they will yank
your group, which is also perfectly legal.

Enjoy it now, keykweenz.

Special shoutouts to scottiekins.