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Old November 18th 04, 03:49 PM
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"B. Peg" wrote in message
If you read the article, the range of the missile is 6000 miles.

"Topol-Ms have been deployed in silos since 1998. The missiles have a
range of about 6,000 miles and reportedly can maneuver in ways that are
difficult to detect.
Earlier this year, a senior Defense Ministry official was quoted as
telling news agencies that Russia had developed a weapon that could make
the United States' proposed missile-defense system useless."

I don't think Afghanistan is the primary mission for the weapon.


You may be correct (I'm hoping you're not), however I feel that they know
the U.S. isn't their problem. We aren't! At least not as of the last time I
heard any news of U.S. and Russia muttered in the same breath. I think
they're just doing a bit more than we did post 9/11. First they had that
Theatre incident and now the school - what, about a year apart? ALL innocent
people. I believe they're just reacting a bit differently. "IF" they are
intending on going after those gutless cowards, then I'm behind them 100 %.
Man, if Russia and the U.S. both buddied up and "really" went after them -
WOW. There would be rivers of brown - probably mixed with a lot of red. The
**** would be running down their pants and out into the streets. We ALL have
to quit playing games. NO RULES. JUST KICK ASS.

I'd be a bit more concerned about Iran (not forgetting North Korea) - rather
than Russia. They're the ones with the Psychos in charge. Most of our
problems lately have arisen from the Sand Nations of the world. IF it
weren't for all the oil, I'd say to hell with them, eliminate them all or
not deal with them. They claim to be our friends yet they're the ones acting
as cock roaches and attacking. IF they were our friends, then they would
take any and all steps to wipe out those among them responsible. With all
the money they're getting for oil, they can't say they can't afford to. I
think they've all been out in the sun too long, their brains are fried.

I say use whatever tactics are necessary to wipe the scum out - once and for
all. Take no prisoners. Make the (only) rule - stop or die. No exceptions.
These scum bags play by no rules, we need to adapt to their way of playing
by no rules. They're using our system of playing by rules - against us. That
is our weakness. Eliminate the rules as they have, take off the gloves and I
can bet - they'll stop in their tracks. As I said - STOP OR DIE. Most of
them are dumb enough to want to die anyway, so - fine - shoot the scum. Do
them the favor. Do us all a favor. Eradicate the scum from the world. These
gutless *******s aren't human. They're animals. RABID animals. They need and
deserve to be put down. As for the French and the rest, they need to
recollect their balls and get in the system of defense. The first time they
cower down, they're history. To cower down to this scum is to have no balls.
That scum will pick up that fumble and run with it. That's what they hope
for. That pumps them up even more. Russia doesn't seem to be too willing to
allow anymore of that crap to happen in their country. Russia is showing
they still have balls. My hat is off to RUSSIA!