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Old November 27th 04, 02:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Lancer wrote:
On 27 Nov 2004 00:02:47 GMT, Steveo

Lancer wrote:
On 26 Nov 2004 21:36:57 GMT, Steveo

Dave Bushong wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Dave Bushong wrote:

Dan/W4NTI wrote:

"Dave Bushong" wrote in message

[...] people jamming, or offering catcalls, without


Let me possibly answer your question with a question....How long
has ham radio allowed dumb assed CBers in with basically no
knowledge or desire to learn anything about ham radio in the

There is your answer.


Good call, Dan. Interestingly, they are anonymous on the air, as
well as off the air, in newsgroups. I guess it has something to
do with low self-esteem, or maybe just as you said: dumbass
CBers. But isn't that redundant?


Your website has to be the worst I've ever seen, you ****ing
moron. lmao!

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text tex text text text text text text text

Ummm... what the hell are you talking about? The page is parked,
and you are a dumbass.

Parked? Why the hell do you post the URL, if it's 'parked', stupid?

Oh, I see. You are wearing a sign. It says "I am an idiot and a

That's funny! You post a 'parked' website URL, then call me an idiot
and a CBer.

You have to be dumbest mother ****er I've ever seen on Usenet. How do
you get through life being so stupid!?

and I don't know how to use a f*ing web browser."

I see that, and you don't know anything about the internet either, Mr
'parked' website posting retard.

On top of that, he was licensed twice as a novice , because he
wasn['t smart enough to upgrade. He should leave it parked, it
probably would look better than anything he could come up with.

Ha! Gotta love people that just blindly rip CB users. Oh, I see the
mental midget has taken his 'parked' website down now.

No mo

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text tex text text text text text text text
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Whats even funnier, I bet the internet dimwit doesn't know he's cross
posting to a CB newsgroup.

Maybe he'll catch on now, unless his brain is still parked.