As usual the longer the best... I experimented a 6, 8, and a bit long
vertical with a maximum of 2 traps (for the smallest), the longer, a
Cushcraft, get the best result in DXing.
I think that there is no secret:
- you need either a good ground if placed at ground level
- some counterpoise if it is placed in elevation (the highest the best)
- a good length (lamda/4, 5/8 or 1/2) compatible with your working
In fact you need to apply the law of physics never the ones of marketing...
Thierry, ON4SKY
"No Way" wrote in message
I srongly suggest the Hustler 4-BTV antenna or the 5-BTV. Depending on
the bands you want to use the 4-BTV does 10, 15, 20 and 40 very well. I
have one and have reached Spain, Russia, South America, the Galopigos
Is., and many other places far away from my Iowa shack.
It works very well.
The 5-BTV gives you 80 meter on top of the 4 offered by the 4-BTV.
"Old Ed" wrote in
Hi Paul -
The Hy-Gain AV620 and AV640 models have good reputations for this
type of antenna.
If you have a little bigger budget, can put in a full radial system,
and don't mind running a control cable, the SteppIR verticals should
perform extremely well.
I have a Sommer T-25, which is OK on 40, 20, 17, and 12, excellent
on 30 and 10, but poor on 15. I normally use my dipoles on all bands
except 10, where the Sommer performs best.
I suggest you check the eHam.net Reviews on antennas. It also
provides links to manufacturers sites, where you can (sometimes) get
additional information.
73, Ed, W6LOL
"Paul Logan" wrote in message
Hi all,
just wondering can anyone suggest some good verticals ( available in
for HF- say 40- 10m and also a tribander or dual bander covering 6
and 2m.
regards and thanks for any help-
Paul Logan,
Lisnaskea, N. Ireland.