Jamming on the air: why?
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December 2nd 04, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Dave Bushong wrote in news:8r-dnZ02R4LarzPcRVn-
Dave Bushong wrote:
I have a nice pair of man boobs.
Hey Douchebag,
Please get a life of your own. Mine is being used.
I would also suggest that you **** with someone else. If you do anything
else like that last message, I will track you down and k*** you, even if
it lands me in prison. I am your worst nightmare. Pick someone else.
If you do it again, you will notice no reply from me.
Dave this guy you are messing with is
Supposedly Steve Parks from Medina ohio, he
has recently gone to 2 ham operators homes
to harras them
You are a liar. N8WWM threatened him many times. In fact, he has
physically threatened many on this group, many times.
Doug INVITED him to his house and Steveo took him up on it. Chickenhawk
wouldn't come out of his house and Steveo took a few pics of his house.
and take pictures,
Waaaa---waaaaaa..bad man take pictures of me,,,waaaaaaa-waaaaaa!
watch yourself he may take
your picture and put it up on a web site.
You have posted personal information on the group on people you wrongly
accuse of being another. In fact, you and chickenhawk n8wwm initiated
this behavior of posting off topic personal garbage and attacks.
Returning it to where it originated and shoving it back down your throat
is all that Mopar did. Sucks for you.
often acts the tought guy role but has never
had the courage to give out his address to
perhaps have the tables turned on him at his
Because only illiterates like you think in such a manner. By asking
others to disregard ALL internet security protocol, isp warnings,
experts and advice, you merely illustrate what a long way you have to go
in order to catch up with the rest of the word regarding intellect and
the internet.
he is a known hypocrite and hangs with a
transexual lover from this group called mark
You and your homosexual connotations are so deep rooted, it may even
originate with childhood trauma. Freud pegged your kind many years ago.
Even Masters and Johnson agree with his remarkable accuracy regarding
the relation between one who is preoccupied with repeat homosexual
connotations and being embarrassed, hostile, confused, and tormented
concerning their own homosexual identity and deviant preferences.
According to Freud, those who favor and have the need to invoke and
reiterate out-of-place homosexual connotations as frequent as yourself,
and who manage to see all topics as being somehow sexually related to
homosexuality, more than likely suffered some sort of abuse in their
formidable years. Research supports this and the notion is generally
accepted and taught in universities all over America in psychiatric and
psychological-related classes.
beck they creat more havoc in this NG than
the people they complain about, Rather
comical google them up for some great
Although your problem is entertaining to many, it is tragic and not to
be laughed at. Your kind can not be helped without ongoing therapy and
is a genuine recognized sickness. Such is why you will never find me
making sport of your handicap. Help is out there. Seek it, take
advantage of it.
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