Happy Friday, keykweenz...enjoy! (we did!)
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December 3rd 04, 11:34 PM
Posts: n/a
On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 16:28:14 -0600, itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge
Lancer wrote in
On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 16:06:16 -0500,
On 3 Dec 2004 00:10:58 -0800,
to keyclowns) wrote:
The following sissy keyclown auctions were reported to ebay. Isn't it
tough when you are trying to sell keyclown stuff ebay lately? HEHEHE!
And to think, there is not one thing you can do to stop the beat.
We hope some are yours!
5735505077,5735502432,5735948334,5735640603,57 35909950
5735906980,5735858070,5735856063,5735855493,57 35853734
5735906980,5735829894,5735827810,5735814853,57 35802332
5735755867,5735736062,5735735866,5735716024,57 35697006
5735683476,5735619775,5735534123,5735503301,57 35507179
5735210189,5735202450,5735169264,5735169040,57 35154295
5735132886,5735132802,5735079030,5735061919,57 35066242
5734788971,5735021620,5735020769,5734886988,57 34938038
5734938092,5734849918,5734833749,5734833170,57 34810957
5734748472,5734715529,5734712995,5734703867,57 34620171
Merry Christmas, from the AKC..."Setting keyclowns straight since
5735856063 Is a great find. Thank you.
Keep up the good work. My time is important to me and I appreciate
you listing all the worth while stuff on E-bay. Why plod through all
the normal stuff when you take your time to do this for us. It really
is a time saver when you go through the trouble of listing just the
important stuff. Thank you once again. You are a time saver.
I'm compiling a list based on his posted list, with descriptions and
if it still available. I'll post it here in a few minutes.
oohh goodie goodie hurry hurry you no life loser.
You poor thing, are you going to cry now?
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