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Old December 4th 04, 01:23 AM
Posts: n/a

On 3 Dec 2004 16:20:24 -0800, (Psychiatrist
to keyclowns) wrote:

Lancer wrote in message
On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 19:07:14 GMT, Smooth G

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 08:27:09 -0600, "Chad Wahls"

"Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message
The following sissy keyclown auctions were reported to ebay. Isn't it
tough when you are trying to sell keyclown stuff ebay lately? HEHEHE!
And to think, there is not one thing you can do to stop the beat.

We hope some are yours!

You are a lonely man...... So watcha gonna do about the guys selling them
over the air? That's MORE illegal then just selling them on ebay!

Get a job, or some sleep.

They cant do anything about that!!! They just bitch and moan on this
group. Which most cb folks dont even visit nor do they know it exists!
They sell amps every damn day. ALL KISS COCKS or AKC cant do crap
about that except bitch and moan!! They know it though!

I'll bet 99.9% ( or higher) of the people that put amps up for auction
on Ebay know nothing about this group. Funny thing is, most of the
amps they list in their "ratout list" are listed under Ham Radio.
Ebay only kills the auctions that are listed under CB. I guess it
gives the AKC something to waste their time on, and keeps them away
from school yards.

Wrong! 100% of those auctions that were closed are from ham radio area
of ebay. You nutsacks can only moan and throw insults. You can't stop
the AKC.

More busts coming. Keyclowns are not allowed to post auctions for amps
on ebay!

Look at the repost of your list I posted. How many were won with a
winning bid, how many are still there? **** you and the goat you rode
in on. Your an ignorant idiot.