Thread: Keyclowns
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  #17   Report Post  
Old December 4th 04, 08:38 AM
Psychiatrist to keyclowns
Posts: n/a

"Uncle Hal" No Need To Write To Me wrote in message .com...
I would like to congratulate "Psychiatrist to keyclowns" for their fine
work. The AKC is indeed a cutting edge organization.

It appears the AKC's main focus is ebay. While this is certainly worthwhile
and necessary, I would like to turn my attention to the yahoo auctions that
offer illegal 11 meter equipment for sale. Also, I would like to hunt for
websites that sell amps intended for 11 meter operation as well as modified
10 meter radios.

I will be more than happy to conduct this endeavor on my own. However I
would like the AKC seal of approval. The reason for this is I do not wish to
duplicate their efforts. My only wish is to wipe out illegal equipment and
rid the world of keyclowns.

I'd like to think of this as maybe an AKC auxiliary.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Uncle Hal