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Old December 5th 04, 04:00 PM
Simon Smith
Posts: n/a

Try fitting a ferrite Ring on the main feed cable. Job fixed.

"Dr Bob Parker" wrote in message
I have a 3 month old 2004 Ford-25 p/u and if I turn my radio to AM or
my CB on,
I can hear the ignition noise in my engine and turn signals cause a
clicking, and when I put on brakes or turn on headlights is causes a
clicking noise. Teh ignition noise just about drwons out reception
completely. Ford says it is in all of their trucks and put a new radio
in for me but it is the same. Local service dept says they have no way
of knowing how to remedy the problem, and will have to wait till
enough people complain and a fix is found. Can anyone tell me what the
problem is? I have heard it may be either the fuel pump or the
alternator, but ford service says they don't know how to fix. Dearborn
will not answer my queries now. I am about to file a Lemon law
complaint with the attorney general of FL which will require them to
fix or replace the truck.
I love the truck as I have all my ford trucks but this is
flabergasting me. bob