Actually, Troll Jerry, those pirate operators (CB operators are OK; what
makes them CB'ers is that they are IN the allocated frequencies for
"Citizens' Band.") are just illegal operators, which most check-out clerks
don't care about any more than poachers. However, those affected by such
willfully illegally operating jerks do care about it. (Sometime you should
read about what happens to poachers when they get caught hunting on Indian
reservations.) But with the sun-spot cycle on the low side, a few pirates in
the CW band are a good way to spot when the band is open; think of them as
beacons. Also, many hams use the illegal operators' frequencies as good
spots to call CQ. Other hams just listening on ten meters usually take note
of the illegal operation, hear the cw, switch on their receiver's narrow
filter to knock out the voice signal, and reply to the other ham. So, the
pirates serve not only as band opening beacons, but also mark good calling
frequencies for legal operators. You are right about one thing, Jerry:
pirates are nothing to get all bent out of shape about. Off course, when the
pirates are caught, their vehicles (and any legal cargo) should be
confiscated and sold to the highest bidder. That might help the pirates and
their employers figure out a good reason to conform to the law. Nothing
hysterical about that; just saying that those who break the law should get a
positive incentive not to do it. Now Jerry, please don't blacken the name of
good CB operators by calling pirates (also known as "bootleggers" in earlier
days) by the name of perfectly legal and decent Citizen Band operators.
ak (KAZO3494)
"Radio News" wrote in message
"g g" wrote in message
Try to understand hams. Hams thrive on getting upset over
insignificant things which normal people dont think twice
about. Try it. Next time you are out shopping for groceries
and you go to check out, ask the clerk if she heard about the
CB invasion of ten meters. She will look at you like you are
a weirdo. Exactly, and that is how hams are viewed by the
Jerry Schwartz
Staff Reporter
Jewish Radio News