Thread: KC8QJP a felon?
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Old December 12th 04, 11:34 PM
U Know Who
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"Landshark" wrote in message

"Steveo" wrote in message
"I am not WA3MOJ" iamnot wrote in

"KC8QJP" wrote in message

wrote in message

Twistedhed wrote:
Hey Dogie,,,,you know repeat offenders can't have their records
Perhaps I should be a little more discriminate in the company I
you to associate.
Living with a felon certainly has had a profound effect on your
Tourette's. N8WWM, you certainly are responsible for trashing
reputation,,,well, she is responsible for the tax fraud (You
probably initiated it and made her take the fall, as your cowardly
self has illustrated your willingness to hide behind any veil you
can find,,including the skirt of the poor woman whose reputation
you are responsible for trashing)...LOL.

The two felon losers deserve each other.

Doug is using a 4 element beam at 56 ft. to add some more victims to
his radio jamming technique. You losers are doomed now! Gotta go tell
people in the other radio groups now. hehehe

His slum lord would never let him put up a tower!!

LOL you know what is funny steveo that you would pay for $1.99 for
access to troll this group.

What the hell? That's not me, and where do you get Usenet for $1.99? Get
off my leg you little punk. Everytime someone posts here you blame me or
ice cold, go buy a clue.

I feel jilted now :-( , I'm not being blamed...... LOL!!!


Don't act stupid Shark, you know damn well Mondays are the days you get