wrote in message ...
"U Know Who" wrote
in :
wrote in message
"Landshark" wrote in
. com:
OMG, George just committed the worst offense you
could do... "I have a Trojan on your computer and I know when you
post, ever heard of sub seven??"
Man, that's not even a joking post, he could have his ISP yanked
so fast
with a statement like that. That's plain outright saying he's
committing a felony.
If I were you Smooth, I would forward that post onto
Comcast, they don't take kindly to people using their
network to hack into people's computers.
I wonder what Riley would say about this?
ask Riley want his phone number. You have any proof that I sent him a
trojan?? LOL damn this guy had me killfiled yet still reads my
posts, LOL yeah yeah I know he doesnt have me killfiled. Now hurry
run along and sent those complaints to comcast....
You been hitting the crack pipe again?
Randy Chapman you are the drug addict and convicted one at that, don't
try passing that **** my way. Just Say NO!
Wrong, little Busch, try again.