I thought we were fighting the breaking of rules on the citizen's radio
service. High power, etc.
I don't think bringing people's family into an argument helps our cause
just as the keyclowns throwing insults as well as posting things from
some old court date helps their cause.
We should be above the gutter talk.
Gutter talk is the only way dogie knows how to talk on here. His leg
humping follower Geo is too stupid to think on his own, so he follows
along like a short bus rider licking windows.
Me, I can make friends with just about anyone, in fact I had a truce
with N8WWM for a while and we were even being cordial via email.
Dogie couldn't stand the détente so he has resumed his gay projection
and otherwise totally vile insults. He's also gone back to forging.
It's apparent why the court ordered him to seek mental health help.
What CB and antenna do you operate, HP? I've been plowing snow till
now 2:30 am and the band was sorta quiet on the portable.