N8WWM DOUG ADAIR -"Psychiatrist to keyclowns"
We would get a bugler to blow "taps" for you, but we know how excited
someone blowing gets you.
Going someplace, fugly felon?
__________Boiler plate response to the mentally ill N8WWM_________
N8WWM DOUGLAS ADAIR present in court. Indigency Hearing held. MARY S.
SWANSON appointed as counsel. Matter called for Probation Violation
Defendant having admitted to a probation violation, and
having waived oral hearing, defendant is found in violation
of probation. F4 (felony)
Probation as ordered by this Court on April 11, 1997 is
ordered continued with the following added conditions:
1) Seek and maintain gainful employment;
2) Defendant to seek mental health counseling; ----HAR HAR
3) Execute wage withholding agreement.
Dated December 1, 2000