Steveo wrote in
"HAPPY CAMPER" wrote in
I thought we were fighting the breaking of rules on the citizen's
radio service. High power, etc.
I don't think bringing people's family into an argument helps our
cause just as the keyclowns throwing insults as well as posting
things from some old court date helps their cause.
We should be above the gutter talk.
Happy, it is called return fire a phrase coined by one of the leading
keyclowns. Tipsy. They don't like return fire, for instance steve's
wife is fair game he has brought Crisco kathy into the fray so he
deserves what he gets.
One small caveat to your game plan tho..I have the goods on the felon
we like to call Crisco Kathy. You don't know your elbow from your
asshole about my wife. All you can do is sling schoolyard insults
about her, which make me yawn.
Gay projection and lame wife insults is all ya got, twit.
Well pussy boi Parks your wife seems to think I got something on you, get
over it. she wants a man, not you.
Thanks for proving my point, mental midget.