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Old December 18th 04, 10:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Steveo wrote:
The reason you'll never see Steveo's real name and address on RRCB:

He's scared. A chicken.

You DO see N8WWM's address, phone number, wife's name, his court

records, her court records, his brothers name, the dog's name, etc. all
easily found on the internet by keyclowns.

Because N8 from the very beginning was open with his identity. He
didn't take GREAT pains to it hide like peepeeholic (remember that name
stevie? Ha Ha)

Steve says his name is Steve Parks. Nope, there is no Steve Parks in
Medina Ohio with a lawn business. So maybe his name is not even Steve.
Anytime you ask him about his real name, he makes a joke, sidesteps it,
avoids it. THAT doesn't sound like the big, brave hero he likes to
portray himself as.

He is scared, folks. Scared to see his address posted in RRCB. Scared
to see his wife's name posted here. How about his kids? Or his
business? I bet it would suck to find the records on his business in
this NG. Employees. Taxes. Legal stuff. Hey, mopey dopey peepeeholic
guy, whatever your name is, just IMAGINE what kind of records are
available on you!!!!!

YOU'D BETTER KEEP HIDING!!!!! Ahaahhhaahhahahaha.

Maybe court records. Maybe bankruptcy. Maybe drugs. Maybe assault
convictions. Who knows? We're sure there are skeletons in this guy's

He doesn't want that stuff public. He doesn't want what he does to
doug - to happen to HIM. That's why he gotta hide.

***No, assclowns, I am not Doug. So WHY, you ask, would I defend him?
Both parties on each side of your little flame war is equally at fault.
You both post the same gay **** and insults. At least N8 has the guts
to do what he does in the open and take the heat. Whereas you - Steve
or whoever you are - post personal info about N8 - while yourself
remaining anonymous. Like a coward. A baby.

Was Stevie's visit to Toledo courageous? No. He did it anonymously.
It's like a mugging attack. He presented himself as an "Unidentified
White Male". If he was TRULY fearless, he'd come as himself. He'd say
"If you want me, you know where you can find me". But he doesn't.
Because he's not fearless. He actually FEARS Doug Adair. He fears Doug
Adair KNOWING his true identity. Let me say it again:

He FEARS Doug Adair knowing his true identity.

(OK girlyboys [stevie too], now go ahead, sidestep and
something that says "ooooh...but YOU are hiding behind a Korean
server". Yes, a Korean server does not change the truth of what is
written above. And you all know it. Stevie knows it too. And the clowns
who cry "korean server" at me are ALL anonymous themselves. Amazing
ain't it?)

-Public Defender

Hi Doug. How's the court ordered shrink going? Are you going to give
your kids anything for Christmas like perhaps?

How's the antenna scam going?

Hey steve I found the rest of the message you snipped it is right on,
you reacted just as the guy predicted LOL