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Old December 21st 04, 06:06 PM
geo has issues..
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Default Gang Tactics ... to no avil.... <--- whatever... ::yawn::

"itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge" wrote in message
Look at how they all come out to play, they have no lives yet they accuse
"geroge' of ruining the NG

Like a gang fight i still survive, Look at all the gay cowards who got
out of bed thgis morning and posted stuff to geo... you would think if he
was such a pain in the ass they would leave him alone and he would go
away.. remember dont feed the trolls, well other trolls can feed trolls
it seems...lets look at the gang members that "george" kicked thier asses
this morning.. lancer, Steveo, Randy, Landcrap, Plain Bagel.. yes the
gang mentality is at work.. "george" keeps knocking them out.. they are
so helpless they invoke comments from a dead ham who also was clueless,
they whine and cry oh look it is the holidays he must be lonely...What??/
you assholes are hear trolling and egging "geroge" on now who has the
life and who doesnt... guys like Randy are ready to cry, landshark
whimpers and mews while reading my "kil;lfiled' posts, steveo taslks ****
without ever backing it up oh yes the holidays are upon us and the assholes are out in full force, 2005 promises to be even
better for this NGStay tuned sports fans... Now watch at all the socks
and these assclowns go off at the mouth...

Then why do -you- continue to post your childish BS here, hmm??

Once again, georgre...your foul mouthed, little man routine, is just way
too stale and predictable... Are you ever going to grow up?

You're "simply insane", little man... deal with it.