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Old December 21st 04, 11:12 PM
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jim wrote:

notiamnotgeorge wrote:

Smooth G wrote in

He is this hateful to anyone and I mean anyone who disagrees with


behavior on this group. What a sad kid! I mean why put an address


usenet? Truly low and just uncalled for!!! I am through with this

Why don't you ask Steveo or Randy or Landshrk why they put peoples


on the usenet. When you ask all of them post their reply here and i


give you my 100% truthfull ansswer now run along and come up with a


screen will be back under another name ice cold, now that

is a


i'll bite, ok steve, ls and randy why do you put peoples addy on


when the replies come in then we'll see how truthfull this is...

exactly jim. why does steve put names and addresses of ham ops wives
brothers etc on usenet? there court records etc? no one ever did that
to him. of course they can't do it to him because he hides. ask him why
he does it jim, and dont let him sidestep it

the info posted is in the public domain. will you now provide your "100%
truthfull ansswer"?
steve did give me his name, address & ph # for that matter. it seems the
trust thing is among those who respect privacy. you wont get anything
because of the animosity you created. jim h says happy holidays and look
at your response. no one forced you to post that so the onus is on you
to show civility.
73 and merry xmas, jim.