"Steveo" wrote in message
"U Know Who" wrote:
I got up this morning and had asscoffee, then I read the asspaper. After
that I turned on my assputer to read the assgroup. Then I made homosexual
related assposts. Then I went to the livingassroom and spun in asscircles
at the imaginary assdemons that were chasing my ass. Then I opened my
assdoor to make sure Steveo wasn't on my assporch. By that time it was
close to asslunch, so I had an assandwich, with some asstomato and
asslettuce, garnished with a few assprouts. Then, it was back to the
assgroup to spew more assisms. After all that work I was asstired, so I
took an assnap and waited with baited assbreath for those who work to
post to the assgroup. Sure enough, there they were, the assclowns with
jobs! God, I can hardly contain my asscitement waiting for them each
assday! They are my asslife!
BINGO! Dood, that one deserves a frame. Rock on with your bad self!
Thanks, but it is all too true. If it weren't, I'd take credit, but Geo's
demeanor is all him.