"WB3FUP (Mike Hall)" wrote in message
If you want 600 ohm I think you will have to roll your own. I use
commercial 450 ohm line myself. There will be a balun in your tuner (if
will directly feed ladder line) so why not just run the wire to the tuner,
and not bother with coax at all.
73 es cul
a Salty Bear
Many want to use a few feet of coax in tandem with parallel wire [open wire
600 Ohm or 450 Ohm window line] just to pass the transmission line "through
the wall".
If passing the line through the wall is the problem then just use a foot or
so of electrical mains "zip cord" for that short passage. Simply solder a
short piece of zip cord into the 450 Ohm window line at the appropriate
place to allow the line to pass through a small 1/4 - 1/2 inch hole in the
wall. The "impedance bump" caused by the short hunk of zip cord will never
be noticed throughout the MF/HF bands.
Peter K1PO
Indialantic By-the-Sea, FL