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Old May 4th 04, 02:33 AM
Old Ed
Posts: n/a

Hi Rob -

You might talk to the SteppIR folks about using one of their DIPOLES on your
tower. It could probably be mounted vertically if you were so inclined.

If I were going to try that, I would try it first without a balun, and make
the dipole leg adjacent to the tower was connected to the shield side.
But you could be assured that the dipole would work killer in the
horizontal orientation, IF the airspace it occupies isn't a problem for you.

Have fun es 73, Ed

"Rob" wrote in message
. ..
I am now in the market for a new vertical after my old R7000 was hit by

My old R7000 was mounted on a 45 foot Tower. (At this height, the antenna
worked great!)

I am considering purchasing a SmallIR vertical (from and
mounting it on this 45 foot tower with radials dropping downward from the
tower. I won't be able to easily guy the vertical but it would appear

it is pretty strong with a 80 MPH wind survival rating without radials.

Is it a good idea to install the SmallIR on top of a 45 foot Tower?
Has anyone successfully used the SmallIR vertical mounted on a 45 foot

I am also considering purchasing the BigIR vertical. But if its guying
requirements, I won't be able to mount it on the Tower. Instead, I am
thinking of using my elevated deck as a support. My Back wooden deck is
about 9 foot off the ground with a 4 foot fence and some posts about 7

tall. I am thinking of mounting the antenna feed point about 8 to 9 feet
off the ground and use the bottom of the deck to install radials. I will
use the post to provide additional support instead of using guy wires.

Will this work? (I realise I will have to fiddle with the length of the
