Santa brings new antenna
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December 27th 04, 05:37 PM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote:
Yup,,,,gonna have to erect a new tower in the new year. Good thing that
pesky little height rule concerning 60 feet doesn't apply in this
application. Never owned dual beams before....gonna be interesting to
see what happens with both antennas aimed downwards toward the skipping a flat rock across the pond. Might as well dig up
the coax and replace that, as well. Conduit materials have improved
since my last application. Might even buy a base amp..something I
usually never need. Good friend of mine up north has an X Force keying a
K..first Xforce I saw that really impressed me. The older ones I saw in
years past weren't as hearty as this one. RFI is practically
non-existent using his tribander. The skip is kicking daily from here to
the northeast and is holding for several hours in the afternoon each
day. Ditto for Arizona and the radio show in Phoenix..they were waving
yesterday to the 'pile (to those of us they can hear) and making fun of
the rest...especially those rabid, demented football freaks in
It's gonna be a great radio year in 2005!
Hi Twist, which antenna did santa bring?
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