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Old January 18th 05, 08:29 PM
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Dave Heil wrote:

Heh heh heh. The beauty of computer-modem communications
have been demonstrated time and time again since ARPANET
evolved to allow messaging, thus creating the original USENET
(acronym for 'university network').

"Source: Jargon File (4.3.1, 29 Jun 2001)

Usenet /yoos'net/ or /yooz'net/ n. [from `Users' Network'; the

spelling was USENET, but the mixed-case form is now widely preferred]

distributed bboard (bulletin board) system supported mainly by Unix
machines. Originally implemented in 1979-1980 by Steve Bellovin, Jim
Ellis, Tom Truscott, and Steve Daniel at Duke University, it has

grown to become international in scope and is now probably the

decentralized information utility in existence. As of early 1996, it
hosts over 10,000 newsgroups and an average of over 500 megabytes

equivalent of several thousand paper pages) of new technical

news, discussion, chatter, and flamage every day (and that leaves out
the graphics...)."

Don't you get anything right, Len?

Why should he start today, Dave?

It's yet another claim of his "seniority" in another
technically-related "career" that he's obviously NOT very competent at.

We're STILL awaiting his retraction of his assertions about the
legality of operating a radio station beyond the expiration date of the

Odd he'd make that claim since EVERY federal examination, Amateur
or Commercial, has questions specifically addressing the subject of
license terms and limits.

What everyone can get is much of the slanted propagandizing of
various organizations and groups, parroted phrasing repeated by
some others as if they were the blessed sayings of the divine.
That is carried over to all forms of beliefs from hobbies to


You left out "individuals", Len. We've seen countless examples of

output concerning amateur radio, a hobby in which you do not

Nor is he very knowledgeable. Example after example of his
INcompetence abound.

Some of the Believers can get Outraged at any negativisms of the
Belief System they have bought (or been psychologically
purchased) into and seem to want to Fight To The Death about it.
Computer-modem communications allows them to express their
Compleat Anger quickly...and so the infamous Flame Wars begin.

You Get Outraged Regarding Morse Testing. You Snipe At The ARRL.

Snipe At Radio Amateurs. You Want To Fight About It. You Express

Anger. You Partipate In Flame Wars (But Not In Amateur Radio).

We're also still awating his delivery of evidence to support his
claim of dishonesty of the ARRL in general and the Board members in

I am also curios to see his supporting evidence of HIS claim of
radio services specifically enacted for "purely recreational" uses.
That's not been forthcoming either.

He also got off on a tangent trying to humiliate me over Civil Air
Patrol and started in on CAP's AT-6 and other alleged warbird fleet
that I was an "ace aviator" of... (yet another field of knowledge for
which Lennie has no experience...) I am still waiting for his
supporting evidence on THOSE claims... CAP's only "warbird" remenants
are an O-1 Birddog on a pedestel outside it's offices in Alabama.

The unfortunate side of the coin is that the same technology

allows widespread textual communications also allows storage
of all the communiques for a long time, reproduction of content
possible (in many cases) by anyone with access. Those that
dared to speak their mind "in public" should remember that their
words - en toto - are still out there and could be retrieved for

"moot court" proceedings by Outraged "barracks lawyers" in a
newsgroup. Such is a many-edged sword waiting to be drawn by can cut every which way and results only in more
useless energy-expenditure by all concerned.

An usual term, "the unfortunate side of the coin". I'm sure that the
Google archives are, for you, the unfortunate side of the coin.

As were Deja before it, etc etc etc...As I said in another post,
Lennie is his own worst enemy.

Anyone with some experience, practice, and observation of the
various human beans roaming the planet can do "button-
pressing" of others. Those who are pressed may escalate their
frustrations and anger into kiloton explosive rages. Those can
smoolder for years and erupt into conflagrations of righteous

(with brimstone) at any moment. Examples abound in this
newsgroup as well as many others.

Yeah, watch that "smooldering".

Seems to me that Lennie is the only one with any "smooldering"
going on.

By the way, under Lennie's own "Rules of Engagement", typos
represent "anger" or "madness"...Funny then that he'd suffer a case of
typoglycemia about "smoldering"... ! !

The curiosity (to me) is the steadfast Righteousness of some in
their Beliefs, specifically in a hobby activity done

(supposedly) for
individual enjoyment and general recreation.

How is that any more curious than one who is not involved in a hobby

maintains a Righteousness In His Beliefs over a hobby activity in

he is not involved?

Even more so where there is not a single line of federal
regulation within any of the FCC's rules and regulations that addresses
"hobby activity" or "general recreation" within Part 97. That it may
be used for such is obvious, however there are people who view
Emergency Medical Services, criminal forensics and domestic abuse
intervention advocacy as "hobbies" too. His "point" about "hobby" is spades...


Steve, K4YZ