Thread: Dogie reality
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Old December 28th 04, 01:34 PM
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Default Dogie reality

-----------dogie keyboard rhetoric----------

From:N8WWM Auntie Keyclown )
Subject: calling out Peepeeholic
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
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Date: 2001-08-08 09:09:21 PST

Hey Peepeeholic:
Yes I am in Toledo. I have plenty of down home hospitality for you or
ANY of the other queens in here who wish to stir up some mess.
You wanna come by and visit? I will be delighted to send you back to
the MISTAKE ON THE LAKE with a thought in your mind that it was a real
dumb idea.
Imagine, Peepeeholic...Imagine...You come to my place and star some
junk...I put you face down and hurtin extreme, take pics of you laying
there with a bumped up noggin, and post 'em to the NG. I relish you
coming by. I am good in the callbook, just as I told your wife, the
Have not had this much fun since I used to go cuttin' coax and
building jamming oscillators back when I was 16 yrs old.

---------- dogie chicken**** reality---------------