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Old December 29th 04, 06:14 PM
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Default Why Keyclowns Fear N8WWM And His AKC

Why Keyclowns Fear N8WWM And His AKC

5 years ago, the newsgroup
was a keyclown sanctuary and a training
ground for criminal CBers. Amp sellers,
golden screwdrivers, loudmouths, tweakers,
drug dealers, and know-nothings ran free.
There was no tech discussion, aside
from "who's amp is loudest". CB myths
like 18 foot coax length were taken as
gospel. CBers were told to open up
their radios and mess around inside,
encouraged by so-called experts.

These so-called experts didn't tell the
new CBers that by expanding their radios,
they might be on ham frequencies or
even air sea rescue channels. They didn't
tell them that the Skullcracka or XForce
amps they so dearly loved would interfere
with other radio services. They didn't care.
It was not so much a radio hobby but a
criminal lobby. No one questioned
keyclownism and the sissy homosexual
values that went along with it.

The mighty N8WWM changed all that.

With his timely, powerful, and brilliant action,
he initiated the eBay auction ratouts,
ridding the nation of dangerous keyclown
gear. He reported keyclown sales websites
to the FCC. He predicted the problem
of 10 meter trucker bootleggers before
most law abiding CBers and hams
even knew about it. He reminded keyclowns
daily that they were subhuman federal

Working alone, he built the AKC from the
ground up, trained its members, and set their
course for the future. But in doing so, he
paid a price - he became the focus of
keyclown attention and the main target of
RF thugs and gay fairies the world over.

Each year hundreds of CB keyclowns whimper
and drool over photos of N8WWM, mooning over
his superior genetics and handsome appearance,
wishing they could be heterosexual like him, but
knowing they are doomed to the despair-pit of
homosexual girlish queerness. This warped man-lust
drives a few keyclowns clinically insane, and some
make a desperate pilgrimage all the way to Ohio
in hopes that they might get a glimpse of their love object.

This emotion also drives these same-sex-crazed
limp-wrists to forge N8WWM. In their keyclown
hearts, they WISH he were gay like them. They WISH
he were a dedicated criminal like them. They
WISH...but their wishes never come true.

They can do nothing. They are powerless.
They are keyclowns.

We have N8WWM to thank for this. Someday there
will be a plaque at ARRL headquarters honoring
this great man. "He stopped keyclownism at our
gates", it will read. Future generations of hams
will honor N8WWM, for he stemmed the tide
of gayness and exposed the criminality of

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