"Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a rare, genetically inherited
condition passed on by both parents to their offspring, resulting in a
significant reduction in or absence of pigmentation in the hair, skin,
and eyes at birth. Individuals with albinism are very fair-skinned and
fair-haired, with (most often) blue eyes that can take on tones of
purple or red in bright lighting.
But due to such lack of knowledge as to why their "white skinned" off
springs came about, African mothers and fathers became more and more
fearful and suspicions and began to separate their growing number of
"white skinned" off springs away from the "black skinned" (pigmented)
Eventually most of the "white skinned" off springs of "African" mothers
and fathers formed several groups and began to migrate northward
through Egypt to another area of Africa which is now called Europe,
seeking a more hospitable living environment and to escape the
intensity of the equatorial hot climate of the great river valleys and
great lakes region of Central, Eastern and Southern Africa which was
then and still is South of what is now called Egypt.
The "albino" group moved up in the mountainous area during the Ice Age
or Glaciations period that lasted thousands of years further isolating
themselves from their original parent population in Africa. And by
being in such isolated living condition for such a prolonged period
they also interbred (within the existing parent groups) thereby
creating additional "albino" off springs from "albino" mothers and
fathers who were then and still are direct descendents of African
mothers and fathers.
Some theories equate Albinos with the origin of the Caucasian Race.
This website has many validations for the origin of the Negroid Race,
but what about the Caucasian Race? Certainly Frances Cress Welsing hit
the nail on the head with her book, The Isis Papers (1991).
The White Race has the genetic inability and absence of melanin to
produce the different skin pigments seen throughout the world....."
We've all learned to excuse your racist ignorance because we all know
that due to your lack of knowledge of your true self, you are only able
to vent hostilities towards blacks and people of color. Go take your
psych medications, and then get back in your cage!