How would you improve your CB?
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January 4th 05, 07:38 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a
On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 09:23:02 -0500,
On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 10:35:16 -0500,
prozac 625 wrote:
| What improvements would you like to have
done to your CB? | Would you want more
(Buy a Dave Made!)
Haha,,I don't need a Davemade. I've dropped the maul on poor Geo's head
more than once without even knowing he was out there and completely on
What I find funny, is Lelnad's and Hall's illegal cb use is becoming
general knowledge. I have a new radio friend in Chi town.....: )
I don't live in "Chi Town".........
No one said you did.
What "illegal CB use" are you referring to?
Texas Star.
What about it?
Please, be specific. Channels,
Channel 6.
I haven't used Channel 6 since I was in a CB club that used that
channel in the 1970's, and I only had a Lafayette HA-250 amplifier in
the car then.
That's all for now. These answers were provided out of my continuing
extended courtesy, good nature, and friendliness. Any more answers you
seek from me grasshoppah, must first be atoned by answering those first
directed to yourself.
There is no way you could reliably know whether I am operating on any
particular frequency. You are too far away to hear me, and any
"tidbit" of info that you might hear, is of questionable credibility.
Did you check out Michael Savage lately? He's slamming Bush, saying we
are hated by all in Indonesia because of his policies and that is the
new terrorist breeding ground.
Savage is an idiot. But there is no pleasing the liberals. First they
accuse us of not responding fast enough, or with enough money. Now I
hear that we are starting to supply so much more money, that we are
making India look bad. It would seem that no matter what we do, it's
never the right thing......
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