How would you improve your CB?
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January 7th 05, 04:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Dave Hall wrote in
I have hardly been "bewildered". I told you and everyone else how it was
done. It was done by utilizing a 7805 regulator to create a steady 5V
for the bias supply. The 5V was then dropped through a resistor and
applied to the base of each of the 2290 devices. The bias voltage was
limited to .6V by utilizing a forward biased diode on each transistor,
which was placed on top of each "pill" for heat tracking and stability.
It's not rocket science, for someone who knows what they're doing. You
know, I might just take a some pictures of the project and put them on
my website just to squash your incessant babble.
Exactly dave you just added ab-1 bias to the
am which certainly would clean it up, but what
would the spoiled kid in Tampa know he
doesnt even solder his mike plugs on.
I'm not in Tampa. And I do solder my own mic plugs at this
point,,,sometimes. But when one has access to super techs like myself,
it allows me more relax time to do more valuable and constructive things
with my time, such as making certain your continuing education begins
and ends when I choose. But damn it man, just wait until I start
soldering linears.
: ).......................................
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