How would you improve your CB?
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January 7th 05, 07:08 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 10:08:37 -0500,
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 12:16:33 -0500,
So you are denying that the majority of the
radios" on Channel 6 are running any sort of
high power?
Apparently, that is a an argument you are having with yourself.
No, you are trying to claim that there are no
illegal operators on 6, based on your rejection
to my claim that what I can hear on almost a
daily basis is in fact illegal.
I claimed nothing of the sort. I claimed only that
your claim is bull****, which it is.
So which is it? If you are denying my claim that there are illegal
stations on channel 6, then by simple inverse logic, you are claiming
that there are NO illegal stations on channel 6. If, you acknowledge
that there are, in fact, illegal stations on channels 6, then my claim
cannot be false.
You REALLY need a course in logic.
Or will you try to weasel out of it by claiming that the term "high
power" is ambiguous?
Your personal feelings are not facts, despite how many times you invoke
them as such. Let's look at it again since you still can not grasp it.
You said
`channel 6, which is notorious for harboring
the dregs of society, who regularly run high
power, is all the "evidence" I need, to
determine that the station in question is in fact,
Once again, your personal feelings are not facts. That illegal operation
occurs on such a channel was never contested by myself
Then you have to agree with my statement that the majority of big
radio stations are running illegally.
, despite your
deperate attempt at trying to say it was. I merely claimed your ersonal
feelings cited above are in no manner "evidence".
The fact that these stations exist and are illegal are a matter of
record for anyone who's ever spent any time there. My "personal
feelings" notwithstanding.
How do you think I gathered the evidence that prompted me to make that
claim? It was based on empirical observation.
The FCC knows the reputation of channel 6 also, only they have protocol
to determine if someone is breaking the law, not personal feelings they
refer to as "empirical evidence" as you do.
You are up a tree now. How do you think the FCC makes the
determination that a specific high powered station is worthy of
further investigation? Do you think a little empirical observation
just MIGHT be a clue?
The FCC is able to make a quantitative analysis by inspecting the
physical station to determine just HOW illegal they are. But I don't
need to be that precise. Just knowing that they ARE illegal is all
that matters.
Because I can't follow through beyond the initial observation stage,
you think that means that my observations are invalid? Boy are you
naive and devoid of comprehensive abilities.
Your personal feelings are not "facts".
No but my trained observations skills can be
considered as strong evidence to the positive.
No,,,it can not. It is personal testimony to be taken into
Look up "expert witness" for a clue.
It is intangible and can not be entered as evidence, only
supporting testimony.
This is not a court of law. I need to convince no one. And you aren't
denying it either. You just want to argue the point because *I* made
it. The deeper you go in the "debate", the wackier and off the wall
your retorts become. Such as your next statement:
Huge difference where the law is concerned, but
with your demonstrated hate and disdain for the law and your fellow
hammie and cb operators
This is absolutely side splitting, coming from an admitted federal law
breaker, to accuse ME of harboring hate and disdain for the law.
, it's crystal clear you have no clue of the law
that pertains and governs your chosen hobby.
What IS clear is that you twist and obfuscate the law to fit into what
you think it is, and not what it truly says.
You will defend the dubious legality of an obvious "entertainment"
device, but see nothing wrong with operating on clearly unauthorized
frequencies, or running power beyond the legal limit.
Such is the nature of a sociopathic mind.
You demonstrated this when
you held roger beeps and echo illegal on cb because you "couldn't find a
rule that permitted them".
Because there aren't any. Otherwise you would have posted it. But
there ARE rules which specifically prohibit devices used for
"amusement or entertainment".
Yes, that part is my personal opinion.
See what you can learn when you are force fed? At the beginning of this
thread, you claimed it was fact, now, after proper instruction, you
admit it is "personal opinion". Good show.
Only the first part is. The second part was empirical observation
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