Frank Gilliland wrote:
Eating is more an issue of -what- you eat instead of how much you eat.
Peanuts (and other nuts) are great because they fill you up fast and
have some food value without any cholesterol. Sugar just stimulates
the appetite and makes you want to eat more. And beef is a -very-
fattening food -- just look at where it comes from! So I do a shrimp
stir-fry a couple times a month instead of hamburgers.
It still remains calories consumed against calories spent. I'm 40 pounds
thicker from when I was 18. I eat anything I like, and I blame to 40 lbs on
slower metabolism, and delegating.
As for exercise, no need to clock your pulse at the gym -- those are
things to do when you want to get your heart and muscles into better
shape. The important thing is to expend energy that would otherwise
become luggage, which you can do just a little bit at a time without
working up a sweat. Just take advantage of the opportunities, like
walking up a flight of stairs instead of taking the elevator.....
heck, even grinding your own coffee beans would help. Any pinhole you
can poke in the inner-tube will deflate it that much faster.
Use the stairs? Heh, I walk 5 to 7 miles a day when it's not winter here.
I'll use the elevator, thank you.
Hrm..dial-up, or broadband?
Dial-up. I'm trying to stay with local companies, but they all seem to
be getting bought out by bigger outfits. They keep dropping their
rates to be competitive but the service suffers. I would be perfectly
willing to pay more for good service but they can't seem to figure
that out.
You need Usenet access with that? If not, what about that Netscape $9.95
deal I keep seeing on the boob tube?