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Old January 8th 05, 04:33 PM
U Know Who
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wrote in message ...
Frank Gilliland wrote in

On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 13:38:10 -0500, Dave Hall
wrote in :

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 12:16:33 -0500, (Twistedhed)

So you are denying that the majority of the


radios" on Channel 6 are running any sort of

high power?

Apparently, that is a an argument you are having with yourself.

No, you are trying to claim that there are no illegal operators on 6,
based on your rejection to my claim that what I can hear on almost a
daily basis is in fact illegal.

I'm sure some of them are illegal, but my surity is not fact.

All of them are illegal Frank, you can't talk on the bowl barefoot unless
it is to a guy around the corner. They are using 4cx10,000's pairs of em
4cx20,0000's get a clue Dave is right the bowl is nothing but illegal
operators 99.99% of them, that is a fact and not opinion.

Trained observation skills = Tarot cards.

So I guess policemen who are trained to observe criminals are practicing
tarot card reading...LOL sure frank

Making a personal opinion that "channel 6 harbors the dregs of

Yes, that part is my personal opinion.

Why is -this- your personal opinion and not fact? What happened to
your "trained observation skills"?

because it is a statement he can't prove by just listening and
observeing, but an over powered radio would be easy to spot.

Nobody suggested that illegal operators don't exist. The question is
your standard of proof, that what you claim to be illegal
transmissions are illegal IN FACT, not in your opinion or belief.\

Ill give you facts Frank, the bowl is not for the weak hearted, where is
Icecold, hey smooth G tell these seersuckers about the bowl. Everyone and
I mean all the regular talkers on the bowl are illegal operators running
super high power. want facts? how do I know? I know alot of them

Just because you say it doesn't make it so.