"Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message
And there aint a thing you keyclowns can do about it, you are ruled and
owned by us.
Warning Notice--Amateur Repeater W8RZM
Dear Mr. Lagger:
Our records indicate that you are the trustee for the above repeater
system. Enclosed are recordings of violations on the repeater by N8WWM. The
transmissions continued for a considerable time and there was no evidence
of a control operator.
Since you are the trustee for the repeater, it is important for you to
understand that you are responsible for its proper operation. The decision
to operate a repeater is a totally voluntarily one. Repeaters are a
convenience in the Amateur Radio Service, not a necessity. A repeater is a
station just like any other station; and under Section 97.205 of the
Commission's rules, all stations must have a licensee and control operator.
Under Sections 97.103(a) and 97.105, control operators must ensure the
immediate proper operation of a station, regardless of the type of station
control. Furthermore, "automatic" control does not mean "unattended"
operation. Unattended operation is not authorized under the rules.
The repeater licensee/trustee is responsible for all recurring violations
and violations that are not inadvertent, just as a licensee is responsible
for a base station HF station operation in the licensee's home. You must
prevent recurring and deliberate violations on the repeater by locking rule
violators out, using tones, warning users, limiting its operation, or
taking whatever steps necessary commensurate with your responsibility as
the licensee of the station. If you are unable to do so, then you must shut
down your station.
If you are unwilling or unable to prevent violations on the W8RZM repeater,
then your operator and station license will be subject to enforcement
action by the Commission. Such action may include monetary forfeiture,
operator license suspension or station license revocation.