How would you improve your CB?
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January 10th 05, 01:31 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:48:36 -0500,
Someday I may clue you in to just how a
psychological study of your posting habits was
included in someone I know's psychology
report on deviant behaviors.
That would be so rich, if you knew who the hell you were responding,
That'll never happen, since you have such a paranoia about remaining
anonymous. And such is the double edged sword of remaining anonymous.
If you really are someone of worthiness, and respect, well never know
it, and you remain a newsgroup punch-clown, who spreads lies about
other people only to provoke or continue controversy.
You are the "Anti" Doug.
especially in lieu of the fact that you have falsely presented yourself
as qualified to make the impressions you now cite of another.
It's all part of the fun for me. For the record, I never said that I
am a licensed practitioner. I said that I enjoy studying human
psychology from my own curiosity, as a hobby. But I do know others who
are in the process of obtaining their professional credentials.
All the more curious, is the fact you are asking educated individuals in
this group to believe such an alleged professional would dare make a
determination based only on a cartoon character and the very carefully
crafted information you were tossed. The "deviant", has never been more
clear, and for that, I thank you.
And that is your fall back. You respond in a predictable manner,
with anticipated responses to carefully presented stimuli. Yet, when
your picture is presented to you, you then make the claim that this is
all somehow a "facade", a cartoon character that doesn't exist in
reality. Well, if that's true, then you should be working in
Hollywood, because you'd be a shoe-in for the remake of "One flew over
the cookoo's nest".
You really are a piece of work. Your random chatter and convoluted
conclusions are both entertaining and enlightening to those of us who
actually enjoy observing people who fall outside the definitions of
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