How would you improve your CB?
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January 10th 05, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:48:36 -0500,
Someday I may clue you in to just how a
psychological study of your posting habits was
included in someone I know's psychology
report on deviant behaviors.
That would be so rich, if you knew who the hell you were responding,
That'll never happen, since you have such a
paranoia about remaining anonymous.
Just can't help yourself,,,lmao.
Only you are concerned with the personal identity of cbers with such a
fervor. Concerning your self-espoused accomplishments concerning the
internet, you sure have a cow over following internet safety protocol,
security experts advice, and basic isp groundrules for the internet.
Very telling is your dwelling on that of which you are not permitted.
You're like a spoiled child that keeps being told "no" over and over and
all he can do is cry about how unfair life is and blame others for his
And such is the double edged sword of
remaining anonymous. If you really are
someone of worthiness, and respect, well
never know it,
The people you consider "we" in addition to yourself, are in no position
to judge, despite your self-elevational status to judge, jury, and
executioner. Such delusions are what has you so angry over being kept so
impotent regarding that of which you are continually denied.
and you remain a newsgroup punch-clown,
Davie's feelings are hurt again,
who spreads lies about other people only to
provoke or continue controversy.
You are the "Anti" Doug.
Yes, and you align yourself with him and have defended him on many
occasion. In fact, the entire ng is anit-doug except for yourself. See
the claritty you can muster when off the Soma.
especially in lieu of the fact that you have
falsely presented yourself as qualified to make the impressions you now
cite of another.
It's all part of the fun for me.
It has been illustrated many times you find "fun" through your lying.
For the record, I never said that I am a
licensed practitioner.
It hasn't pervented you from thinking of yourself as holding the same
qualification as of course you aren't a physician
Davie, "For the record",,,you simply are not qualified to make
judgements reserved for physicians only. Such a candidate would never
have the need to foster what they think of themselves in an
unsolicitited and gratuitous manner such as your low self-esteem
I said that I enjoy
studying human psychology from my own
curiosity, as a hobby.
Nevertheless, you have permitted yourself to be reduced to fodder by
deluding yourself that you are as qualified as a licensed physician. You
are not.
But I do know others
who are in the process of obtaining their
professional credentials.
All the more curious, is the fact you are asking educated individuals in
this group to believe such an alleged professional would dare make a
determination based only on a cartoon character and the very carefully
crafted information you were tossed. The "deviant", has never been more
clear, and for that, I thank you.
And that is your fall back.
Read between the lines. When you're done, share that temper with is a
bit more.
You respond in a
predictable manner, with anticipated
responses to carefully presented stimuli.
No wonder you and N8wwm get along so well. He posts about microchips
implanted in people with "programmed stimuli" and here you are echoing
his really slip the hell up when you get mad, Davie.
You're garbage, Dave,,insane hammie garbage that gives the service a
black eye.
Yet, when your picture is presented to you,
"MY" picture? I'm not the one, nor is anyone else in this group OR the
hamme groups, seeing you as qualified as a physician, radio repair
tech,or anything else your dragging self-esteem needs dictate in order
to soothe itself...hehe...this is YOUR "picture" Davie.
you then make the claim that this is all
somehow a "facade", a cartoon character that
doesn't exist in reality.
I never said anything about a facade. I just enjoy watching you come
apart at the gills exasperating yourself with over 5 years worth of
incompetence and impotence crying about the personal identity of cbers
who have all demonstrated not only a superior intellect compared to your
deluded self, but much more proper communication etiquette and skill
than you can ever hope to achieve.
Well, if that's true, then you should be working
in Hollywood, because you'd be a shoe-in for
the remake of "One flew over the cookoo's
Again, I point you to your self-delusional claims concerning your
You really are a piece of work.
Here were go,, N3CVJ off the deep end,,,,come on back when you can
handle yourself with proper communication technique. Get over yourself
and put your destroyed ego behind you and stop trying to make every
topic about mememmemmemmem, even though I do rule your world in and
outside this ng.
Your random chatter and
It's not about me, dave,,never was,,,its all about your personal issues,
misdirected anger, and
your personal character flaws that force you to dwell on others private
lives and information
It is clear you were never made to see yourself as the majority do and
forcing you to do so has proved a bit more than
you were prepared.
When the anger I control in you stops seething and you can manage
coherent thought and remain on subject instead of permitting your
damaged psyche and low self-esteem to morph all radio subjects in your
twisted mind into one of what ails only you (personal, off-topic
information),,c'mon back for more educational fun.
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