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Old January 11th 05, 01:54 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:32:19 -0500, (Twistedhed)

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:48:36 -0500,
Someday I may clue you in to just how a
psychological study of your posting habits was
included in someone I know's psychology
report on deviant behaviors.

That would be so rich, if you knew who the hell you were responding,

That'll never happen, since you have such a
paranoia about remaining anonymous.

Just can't help yourself,,,lmao.
Only you are concerned with the personal identity

Your identity is who you are. You said it yourself: "If I only knew
who the hell I was responding too"..... The implication, of course, is
that I would somehow recognize you as someone I either know, or is
someone of some prestige or notoriety, which commands some degree of
respect. But as long as you choose to hide behind your "cartoon
character", we'll never know that, and you remain an anonymous little
twit, who lacks the guts to come clean.

BTW, I'm not the one desperately trying to find out little tidbits of
information about other people on here, like your erroneous claim that
my wife's name was "Kim T. Hall", or who once claimed that you had it
on good authority that I'm a bitter divorced man, or that I was
"abused" by my grandfather at a young age.

For someone who claims to care little about personal information, you
sure make efforts to find it, even if it is wrong. Just another
example of your hypocrisy, and lies.

of cbers with such a
fervor. Concerning your self-espoused accomplishments concerning the
internet, you sure have a cow over following internet safety protocol,
security experts advice, and basic isp groundrules for the internet.
Very telling is your dwelling on that of which you are not permitted.
You're like a spoiled child that keeps being told "no" over and over and
all he can do is cry about how unfair life is and blame others for his

As opposed to you who, when told "no", just do it anyway in disregard
for the laws of society?

And such is the double edged sword of
remaining anonymous. If you really are
someone of worthiness, and respect, well
never know it,

The people you consider "we" in addition to yourself, are in no position
to judge, despite your self-elevational status to judge, jury, and

Borrowing terms from Frank now? You really are devoid of originality
aren't you?

Such delusions are what has you so angry over being kept so
impotent regarding that of which you are continually denied.

If that were true, it would be laughable. The day that I let this
newsgroup rule my life, will be the day I leave. Like the radio, I
control what goes on. I make you speak. When I'm done, I stop, until I
feel the need to slap your sociopathic self around again. But you are
blinded by your own elevated sense of self worth to see that, or be
able to make such a judgement as to who is really "impotent".

You still don't get it. The only time someone is "impotent" is when
they are ignored. You can't control yourself enough to allow that. By
constantly responding to me, you have guaranteed that I am anything
but "impotent".

and you remain a newsgroup punch-clown,

Davie's feelings are hurt again,

You assume that I have feelings to hurt.

who spreads lies about other people only to
provoke or continue controversy.
You are the "Anti" Doug.

Yes, and you align yourself with him and have defended him on many

Doug is more rational than you are. All that comes from your fingers
is double talk and obfuscation. At least Doug is consistent, even if

It's all part of the fun for me.

It has been illustrated many times you find "fun" through your lying.

I have not lied about anything. Your statements to the contrary is
not proof, but rather your desperation.

On the other hand, you are the one who lies. My fun is exposing you
for what you are. By attempting to place other people on the
defensive, it keeps the spotlight off of your own transgressions, such
as your blatant disregard for federal law, which you claim, on one
hand, to respect, yet selectively ignore when it suits you. Another
glaring example of your hypocrisy.

For the record, I never said that I am a
licensed practitioner.

It hasn't pervented you from thinking of yourself as holding the same
qualification as such.

How could you possibly know what I think of myself? Once again your
narcissistic sense of elevated self worth has propelled you to the
role of seer. of course you aren't a physician
Davie, "For the record",,,you simply are not qualified to make
judgements reserved for physicians only.

Anyone can make informed observations with the proper background. You
don't need to be licensed to do it, until you expect to get paid for

Such a candidate would never
have the need to foster what they think of themselves in an
unsolicitited and gratuitous manner such as your low self-esteem

More double speak? It is easily observed that you have assigned a much
greater worth to what I do, than I, myself, have ever stated. You are
the one who lied about my claiming to be a medical professional. You
are the one who claimed that I am some sort of master of the internet.
I have never made any such claims. The problem is YOU. You lie like a

I said that I enjoy
studying human psychology from my own
curiosity, as a hobby.

Nevertheless, you have permitted yourself to be reduced to fodder by
deluding yourself that you are as qualified as a licensed physician. You
are not.

I am qualified to see the virtually textbook example of Anti-social
personality disorder as expressed by your actions here.

(Now is a good time to once again remind us how this is only a
"cartoon character", and not who you really are) Uh huh.....

You respond in a
predictable manner, with anticipated
responses to carefully presented stimuli.

No wonder you and N8wwm get along so well. He posts about microchips
implanted in people with "programmed stimuli" and here you are echoing
his tripe.

Funny thing, he's right. You can't muster enough self control to not
respond to those "programmed stimuli". You are like a moth drawn
inexplicably to the flame, which will end up being its demise. That's
why we all laugh at you. You are all too transparent and predictable.
When I'm done with you, I'll stop posting again. But you can't resist
getting in the last word.

Your sociopathic behavior and your disregard for federal law makes you
the worst example of person society has to offer. You create
controversy and then feed off of the attention of others to bolster
your own low self esteem. You do what you want without due concern for
the rights of others. In short, you treat others as your own personal
litterbox. really slip the hell up when you get mad, Davie.
You're garbage, Dave,,insane hammie garbage that gives the service a
black eye.

By operating on the freeband, you are neither a CB'er nor a ham. You
are nothing short of a lawbreaking radio pirate. So what does that
say? Who are you to criticize the operating habits of others when you
have a closet full of your own "issues"?

More hypocrisy.

Yet, when your picture is presented to you,

"MY" picture? I'm not the one, nor is anyone else in this group OR the
hamme groups, seeing you as qualified as a physician, radio repair
tech,or anything else your dragging self-esteem needs dictate in order
to soothe itself...hehe...this is YOUR "picture" Davie.

One does not need to be a "qualified" anything to see the obvious. All
one has to do is access the DSM-IV which is available in many places
on the internet, and look up APD, and then compare the symptoms with
your past behavior (Which is archived for posterity).

The only one in denial is you. But like the old saying: "When you try
to tell a nut that he's nuts, he'll swear that you're crazy."
