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Old January 11th 05, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
From: pam

The Fcc requires no jury of peers. reart 95

Tell that to N3CVJ and his buddy N8WWM. Davie lobbies hard telling the
world that just because the FCC told the world N8WWM was jamming
repeaters, it's not evidence of guilt.

It's OK Twist, Geo can't ever seem to keep up with
a thread.
Here's what Dave typed:

"So you are of the Twisted notion that a person is not breaking the law
until they are caught?

"Sandbagger" "

To which I replied correct. Nothing in that statement does it say
breaking "FCC Rules". Geo will never admit to being wrong nor will he ever
admit to me being right, it would ruin his
image of being the #2 troll behind Doug.
Start your sexual innuendoes here Geo ::::::::::::