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Old January 12th 05, 06:03 AM
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"Dave Hall" wrote in message
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 03:48:47 GMT, "Landshark"

"Dave Hall" wrote in message
. ..
On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 09:27:09 -0800, Frank Gilliland

And until Dave can provide an example where one of the allegedly
illegal operators he allegedly heard was found guilty, got an NAL, or
even admitted his guilt publically, then his allegations are nothing
more than his opinions, not facts.

So you are of the Twisted notion that a person is not breaking the
law until they are caught?


Nope. They are not guilty of breaking any law until
a jury of their peers find them guilty with the evidence
given them through the judicial process.

That's complete B.S.! You are guilty of a crime the minute you commit

Oh.... So someone is guilty automatically when YOUR trained
"skills" tell you so. I can tell you have never served on a jury.

The fact that in order for you to be incarcerated or otherwise
punished for that crime requires a guilty verdict, does not
negate your original infraction.

What infraction was that? YOUR trained "skills" in traffic
laws? Trained "skills" in FCC enforcement? Trained
"skills" in evidence gathering, law enforcement, law?

This is an excuse often given by people who try to justify their
selective disregard of certain laws they don't like.

Nope, that is the LAW of the land. Like it or not, you are
innocent until proving guilty, otherwise it's just called
vigilantism. That's why the peace officer (who is trained to observe, not
JUDGE) writes the ticket, you go to COURT to fight the ticket (in front of a
JUDGE, who usually is a lawyer
and or has been a peace officer) if you are innocent, if not
you pay the fine or do the time.

Not because
someone says "because they are on that channel,
they must be breaking the law".

No, not because they are on the channel, but because they are on the
channel and displaying certain verifiable traits which indicate the
illegality of their transmissions.

Wow, your trained "skills" tell you by the signal, no df'ng,
no power readings in front of the offenders house that he
is illegal? AMAZING!

Now, you have an individual, he's driving erratic, weaving
in & out of traffic. You pull them over, order them out
of the car, speech is slurred, they are unsteady while standing,
eye lids are drooping, your trained "skills" tell you HE'S
DRUNK! Arrest him, take him to jail, no blood test, no
breath test, throw em into the drunk tank, right!



The world is good-natured to people
who are good natured.