Steveo Is 100% Chicken
Steveo it is 100% guaranteed you will be pounded
flat like a pancake should you show your face at a
hams home - ever. You will be first lightly slapped
around and called a fag. Then you will be booted
in the ass until you fall to the pavement. Then
you will be spit on and further kicked in the ass
until you beg for mercy. Then you will be helped
up, and the real beating will begin. Slap, punch,
kick, all night long. You will never dare harass
amateur radio operators on the internet again.
After your pounding, you will be turned over to
the police, who will tun your ass back to turdville
or wherever you live. It's all waiting for you, butt
munch, becasue we know you're all talk and NO
action. None. Pussy.