Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:37:29 GMT, "U Know Who"
wrote in :
So anyway, what tone do you like in illegal roger beeps? Personally, I
prefer 103.5, not obtrusive, and if you use a really good woofer (15" or
larger), you get that thump. 1k is way too tweety.
Someone around here is using the old EBS tones with a decay of about
two seconds. Very unique.
I've been thinking about building something like a 'CB caller-ID' box.
Data could be sent at 1200 baud FSK at the beginning and end of each
transmission. That data could include an email addy, callsign, or even
just a handle. It would be really cool during a net to see the names
pop up in a list on a display.
That'd be neat, except that FSK isn't an authorized emission type on
CB... Shame, that, too..It'd be neat to see FSK and PSK on the regular
40 channels.