Bush Wants to End Overtime Pay as We Know It
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July 10th 03, 06:15 AM
Richard Hutnik
Posts: n/a
(Gary) wrote in message . com...
Overtime pay is a JOKE in too many cases. I have witnessed government
workers working SLOW all week just so they can work overtime and get
more money. I say STOP OVERTIME PAY. PERIOD. If a person can't get
a days worth of work done in a day, they need to find another job. If
there is more work to be done, then more employees need to be hired,
NOT pay those already working HIGHER wages to work overtime. Those
working overtime have less time to relax; therefore, they produce less
during the week. Those supporting overtime are ONLY doing so because
they want to bilk their employer out of all the money they can.
RIIGHT. Like it works this why. I am salaried, and expected to put in
at least 10% overtime, lest it affects my performance rating and could
jeapordize my chance of remaining in my job.
Time to relax? Try being on a project where you have to put in 12+
hours a day over a long period of time. And you get no money for
this. And if you work more effectively, it adversely affects your
performance rating. Or, how about this neato: Due to the nature of
the work, a quarter of your year is spent on the bench interally due
to projects not being ready. Then you have to put in the long hours
to make up for the hours. And then throw in this wonderful vacation
time that counts against your making hours target. The longer you
work for the company, the more vacation time you get, thus the more
hours you have to make up.
Some people. Do you even have a clue? Did you ever hear the concept
of getting paid for the hours you put in?
- Richard Hutnik
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