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Old July 10th 03, 02:41 PM
William Mutch
Posts: n/a

In article , tstimac01 says...
(Agent Smith) wrote in message news:40248eb5.174481972@feednread...
-Smith. Agent Smith

Dude, seems like you have a problem. No one is replying your messages.
And you know why? In the meantime we realized who you are, and you are
now nothing but another name in the filter file.

Thats exactly what you are. Another name in filter file.

Not only that...this jerk is antangonizing people who might think
that gays have human rights and is definately turning off people (like
me) who might be sympathetic to the positions of his automated political
rants and raves. He's shooting his own cause in the foot.

Chamelion Named're just being a jerk! You think
you're striking a blow for gay rights and giving voice to justifable
liberal viewpoints, but you're just being a jerk. You are making enemies
of some who might be your friends if you weren't just being a jerk. You
don't have to be a jerk...Just stop.