Sorry your Windows 2000 system is having trouble running tk8500.
As I have posted here before, other Windows 2000 users report
running tk8500 ok.
Jon Scott runs it on a Dell Cpi laptop and Windows 2000.
Sam Maynard runs tk8500 on Windows 2000
Pro "... by making a short-cut of the tk8500.bat file to my
Windows desktop, right-click the bat file, selected properties,
selected compatability tab, and made it to run in Windows 95
Compatability Layer..."
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 06:42:24 -0700, Ponderosa Sports wrote:
"Bob Parnass"
tk8500 works on Linux, BSD, MacOS X, Windows (95 and later), etc.
This appears a bit misleading. It is not written to support Windows 2000.
Cliff Harrison
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Bob Parnass, AJ9S GNU/Linux User